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The H3ABionet Seminar co-ordinating team on behalf of the H3ABioNet Research Working Group invite you to join the January 2017 H3ABioNet seminar under the theme of: “Access to personal genomes”.

The seminar talk will be provided by Dr Manuel Corpas, Scientific Lead at Repositive, a Cambridge start-up company focusing on efficient human genomic data discovery, access and sharing. He is a 2016 fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute and Board of Directors of the International Society for Computational Biology. He is an active champion in the areas of open access to genomic data and the challenges therein. The talk will be 40 to 50 minutes long and followed by a 10 to 15-minute of discussion and Q/A.

Common practice suggests that human-origin genome data should be deposited in public repositories for further reuse. The current system for finding and accessing deposited genome datasets, however, is cumbersome and not scalable, leading to a huge loss of mining opportunities. Manuel Corpas argues that established public efforts for maintaining and archiving controlled access genome datasets are barely serving their purposes of enabling data re-utilisation; and that in order to address this bottleneck, access protocols and dataset descriptors require better coordination and standardisation.


Event date: 
Friday, 27 January, 2017 - 00:00
Event location: 
Event time: 