Advice on preparing a data management plan
Are you a member of the University of Cambridge and would you like advice on your data management plan? We are here to help. Please send us your data management plan by using the form below. You need to submit your data management plan to us at least 7 working days before your grant submission deadline otherwise we might be unable to help.
Important notes
By using this service you certify that you have read you funder's policies on research data management and prepared your data management plan in accordance with these policies.
You may wish to complete the University's Information Security Risk Assessment alongside your data management plan. This will prompt you to think more in depth about the potential security issues you face with your data.
If you prefer not to use our service, you can try using the online tool to create data management plans, DMPonline, instead.
Funders' guidance on data management plans:
Specific guidance on funders' requirements for data management plans is available below - you need to follow funders' guidance when preparing a data management plan.
- Rubrics to help researchers prepare (and reviewers assess) data management plans
- Rubrics to help researchers prepare (and reviewers assess) data management plans
- Horizon 2020
- You can also see the useful tips on Winning H2020 grants with Open Science
- MRC:
- Royal Society
- Wellcome Trust
Simple data management plan template
Have a look at our simple data management plan template here - if your funder does not provide guidance on data plans, this might be a good starting point.
Example data management plans
Digital Curation Centre maintains a website with numerous examples of data management plans.
For larger research projects it can be useful to create more detailed plans which cover different aspects of data management. We have example preservation and data sharing policies from the Kymata Atlas project by Dr Andrew Thwaites, University of Cambridge.
Send us your plan by filling in the form below. For details on how the personal information you enter here is used, please see our privacy notice.